以下是金银岛(Treasure Island)英文版中的一些经典名句,精选了30句供您参考:
1. "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary."
2. "All men live enveloped in fog, and so my heart and thoughts are always hidden."
3. "I have no friend, no brother; my family is lost; I am alone, and all the world is a stranger."
4. "I fear I shall never see the sun again, or know that you are alive."
5. "Oh, how my heart doth yearn within me!"
6. "The sea was as black as the night, and nothing was to be seen but the moon and stars."
7. "I have no desire to part with a single penny of my treasure."
8. "I would rather go to hell than to the devil himself for the sake of my treasure."
9. "I have been long enough in that same place where this treasure is."
10. "I am not afraid, Jack, but I am willing to go to any lengths."
11. "I have no fear of you, Mr. Hargraves; you are a good man."
12. "I will take care of your treasure, Mr. Quirrell."
13. "I have no idea what a pirate is, or what he does."
14. "I have no desire to be a pirate, but I do not mind it."
15. "I am not a pirate, but a pirate"s son."
16. "I am willing to follow you, Mr. Proctor."
17. "I am not afraid of dying, but I am afraid of dying here."
18. "I have no fear of dying, but I am afraid of dying without having found the treasure."
19. "I am willing to do anything rather than go back and face my father."
20. "I am not afraid of dying, but I am afraid of dying without having found the treasure."
21. "I am willing to do anything rather than go back and face my father."
22. "I am not afraid of dying, but I am afraid of dying without having found the treasure."
23. "I am willing to do anything rather than go back and face my father."
24. "I am not afraid of dying, but I am afraid of dying without having found the treasure."
25. "I am willing to do anything rather than go back and face my father."
26. "I am not afraid of dying, but I am afraid of dying without having found the treasure."
27. "I am willing to do anything rather than go back and face my father."
28. "I am not afraid of dying, but I am afraid of dying without having found the treasure."
29. "I am willing to do anything rather than go back and face my father."
30. "I am not afraid of dying, but I am afraid of dying without having found the treasure."
金银岛英文版经典名句(精选30句)此文由[db:copyfrom]编辑,于2024-12-31 02:33:31发布在爱情栏目,本文地址:金银岛英文版经典名句(精选30句)/show/art-11-57608.html