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需要翻译的情话套路(写给心鸢  |  夏殘灬的情话)

2024-12-22 02:11:20分类:情书浏览量(

关于需要翻译的情话套路(写给心鸢  |  夏殘灬的情话)的内容,下面是详细的介绍。





1. 中文

- 你就像一本永远翻不完的好书,每一页都写满了惊喜,每一次读都有新的感悟。每次看到你,我都觉得像是打开了一个装满宝藏的盒子,满满的都是珍贵的东西。

- 你的笑容是世间最璀璨的星光,它能穿透黑暗,将温暖洒向每一个角落。只要看到你的笑,我仿佛置身于繁星闪烁的夜空之下,内心充满宁静与喜悦。

2. 英文

- You are like a wonderful book that can never be finished reading. Each page is filled with surprises, and every time I read it, I have new insights. Every time I see you, it"s like opening a box full of treasures, all precious things.

- Your smile is the most brilliant starlight in the world. It can penetrate the darkness and spread warmth to every corner. Just seeing your smile makes me feel as if I"m under the night sky studded with stars, my heart full of peace and joy.


1. 中文

- 回想起我们第一次相遇的时候,那是一个阳光正好的午后,微风轻轻拂过你的发梢。那一刻,时间仿佛静止了,我的目光就定格在你身上,从那刻起,你就成了我心中的一抹亮色,再也无法抹去。

- 我们一起走过的那些日子,就像一首悠扬的老歌,在岁月的长河中缓缓流淌。那些一起欢笑、流泪、争吵又和好的瞬间,都成为了我生命中最珍贵的回忆,我会把它们小心翼翼地珍藏起来,直到永远。

2. 英文

- Recalling our first meeting, it was a sunny afternoon, with a gentle breeze brushing past your hair. At that moment, time seemed to stand still, and my gaze was fixed on you. From then on, you became a bright color in my heart, never to be erased.

- The days we spent together are like an old melodious song, flowing slowly in the long river of time. Those moments when we laughed, cried, quarreled and made up have become the most precious memories in my life. I will carefully cherish them forever.


1. 中文

- 想象着未来的日子里,我们手牵手走过每一个春夏秋冬。春天,我们一起漫步在花海中,让芬芳的花香浸润我们的爱情;夏天,我们在海边嬉戏,海浪是我们爱情的见证者;秋天,我们漫步在铺满落叶的小径上,分享彼此的收获;冬天,我们依偎在一起,抵御寒冷,享受温馨的时光。

- 我希望我们的未来充满了无限的可能。我们可以一起去探索世界的每一个角落,看不同的风景,感受不同的文化。无论遇到什么困难,我们都能携手共进,互相扶持着走向幸福的彼岸。

2. 英文

- I imagine in the future days, we will walk hand in hand through every spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring, we stroll in the sea of flowers together, letting the fragrant flower scent permeate our love; in summer, we play by the seaside, where the waves are witnesses to our love; in autumn, we walk on the path covered with fallen leaves, sharing each other"s harvests; in winter, we cuddle together, warding off the cold and enjoying the warm times.

- I hope our future is full of infinite possibilities. We can explore every corner of the world together, see different scenery and experience different cultures. No matter what difficulties we encounter, we can move forward hand in hand, supporting each other to the shore of happiness.

写给心鸢  |  夏殘灬的情话

写给心鸢  |  夏殘灬的情话


需要翻译的情话套路(写给心鸢  |  夏殘灬的情话)此文由小任编辑,于2024-12-22 02:11:20发布在情书栏目,本文地址:需要翻译的情话套路(写给心鸢  |  夏殘灬的情话)/show/art-27-23323.html


