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2025-01-01 01:56:30分类:情书浏览量(





In the world of building materials, you are my irreplaceable cornerstone. Just like the foundation stone that bears the weight of the whole building, you support me in every aspect of my life.

You are the cement that bonds all the pieces of my life together. When I was just a loose collection of fragments, aimlessly wandering around, you came into my life. You have an amazing power, similar to cement which can turn sand and gravel into solid concrete. With your love, you blend all my hopes, dreams, sorrows and joys into a harmonious whole. Every day with you feels like watching cement slowly harden, becoming stronger and more unbreakable. Our relationship, under the magic of your love - this special “cement”, has grown from fragile to solid.

And you are also the steel bar inside my heart. Steel bars give buildings their backbone, making them stand tall against storms and time. In my life, you provide me with strength and courage. When I face difficulties, it"s like the building is hit by strong winds or heavy rains. But I know I have you deep inside, like those invisible but powerful steel bars. Your wisdom and encouragement help me withstand all the pressure and challenges. Without you, I would be like a building without steel bars, easily collapsing at the first sign of trouble.

The bricks in our lives are laid one by one by us together. Each brick represents a memory, a moment we share. Some bricks may look ordinary, just like some days in our daily life seem plain. But when they are put together, they form a beautiful wall, a part of our home - our love nest. These bricks, soaked with our sweat and tears, laughter and whispers, build up a shelter where we can find peace and warmth. No matter how many years pass, these bricks will always be there, silently telling the story of our love.

Moreover, you are the glass window through which sunlight enters my soul. Glass windows let light into dark rooms, illuminating every corner. And you bring brightness into my inner world. Through you, I see the beauty of life more clearly. Even when there are shadows outside, your presence makes my heart bright. You allow me to feel the warmth of the sun, the freshness of the breeze, and the closeness of the outside world. The glass window is delicate yet strong enough to protect against harsh weather. Just as you, although sometimes you seem vulnerable, you have the strength to face everything with me.

In the realm of building materials, you are the most precious combination of all elements. You are not just one single material, but a perfect mixture of kindness, love, understanding and patience. Together, we create a structure called love, a structure that can withstand the test of time, weather any storm, and remain standing proudly for eternity.




1. 你知道吗?我每天最期待的就是看到你的笑容,它就像阳光一样温暖我的整个世界。

2. 如果你是星星,那我愿意做你永远的守护者,无论何时何地,都在你身边发光发热。

3. 你是我生活中的小确幸,有了你,我的世界变得更加美好和完整。

4. 你总是那么忙碌,但我知道,无论多晚,只要你给我一个微笑,我就觉得一切都是值得的。

5. 你是我心中的暖阳,无论何时何地,只要你在,我就感到无比的温暖和安心。

6. 你是我生命中最美的风景,我会用我的一生去欣赏和珍惜。

7. 你是我心中的宝藏,每一次挖掘都能发现新的惊喜和感动。

8. 你是我生活的调味品,没有你,我的生活将失去许多色彩和乐趣。

9. 你是我心中的诗篇,每一个字句都充满了对你的思念和爱意。

10. 你是我永远的追求和梦想,我会一直努力,只为与你相遇和相伴。



建材英文情话长篇《男友好忙暖心小情话》此文由小常编辑,于2025-01-01 01:56:30发布在情书栏目,本文地址:建材英文情话长篇《男友好忙暖心小情话》/show/art-27-23701.html


